Saint Andrew’s provides spiritual and compassionate care for all our parishioners who are hospitalized, in nursing homes, or confined to their own homes through: the sacrament of the Eucharist, which joins all to Christ the sacrament of anointing, which gives them spiritual strength and readiness to shoulder their crosses visitation, to encourage and give them a hope and a sense of love, care and other blessings prayer, to intercede for those who are sick
Between January 8-15, Saint Andrew’s will conduct an online parish-wide survey to get your thoughts about the needs of families in our community. The results will serve as a guide for the parish pastoral team to plan events around issues you care about. The Marriage Reality Check is designed for everyone 18 and over. This includes married people, of course, but also people who are single, widows and people who are divorced. Be on the lookout for more information about The Marriage Reality Check in the weeks to come!
Are you an active duty servicemember? Do you have a relative that is an active duty servicemember? Are you a veteran of the armed services? We would like to introduce you to other members of our military community at Saint Andrew’s and offer support through cards, prayers, and other gestures of appreciation and encouragement.